Honestly, where do I even begin. I could talk about how much I absolutely LOVE Ashley and Keith for days. But Ashley has a way with words that just brings me to tears so rather then me tell their story, I’ll take Ashley’s words…
“I was a freshman in a junior/ senior Spanish class in high school. On the first day of school, I claimed the first seat I could find without having to lift my eyes up off the floor. That seat happened to be in the very first row in the very first seat. Every other chair filled in with the exception of the front seat next to mine. I knew no one in the class so an empty seat was preferable to me over a complete stranger (I wasn’t much of a socialite). The second day of class had one noticeable difference: the seat next to mine was filled. Not only was it filled, but it was filled with who I considered to be the most intimidating human being I had ever encountered. He wore a black band t-shirt (I’m blanking on the band name. It may have been his Star Wars shirt) and had long, jet-black hair that seemed to frame (or hide) his face. He had big, square-framed glasses that may had been stylish ten years earlier and an Adidas bookbag that was filled with a black sweatshirt (complete with tear directly over the right nipple- a sweatshirt he later called “Expozedenipple”) and first-day forms and books and other beginning-of-the-year junk. I barely looked at him but I noticed that he didn’t hesitate to look my way. I’m sure he could tell I was intimidated. Over the next few weeks, I could always hear his sly, sarcastic comments just under his breath and I couldn’t help but laugh. He was quiet, so only those closest to him could really hear his wit and sharp tongue. I love that he makes me laugh and it all started in that class. The first words I ever spoke to him were, “Can I help you?” and it was because he was petting my suede shoes. There was something about Keith that was so different and so interesting to me. He had such a hard-edge look and yet the kindest smile and warmest eyes. He was a mystery to me and all I wanted was to find out more, and to have him trust me to let me find out more. It took a while to get there, but it’s hard to believe that a relationship that started with a snide, “Can I help you?” bloomed into what will be our marriage, and more importantly, an indescribable friendship.”
And with that, I begin their journey..
To say that their love and happiness radiates to everyone around them would be a complete understatement. I mean literally, I spend half my time with these two crying from laughter, they are ALWAYS making jokes, making each other laugh, making me laugh, not to mention they have the biggest hearts EVER. I can’t count the times Ashley asked me on HER wedding day if there was anything she could do to help me, or make my life easier. That’s just how she is. I mean, weeks before the wedding when we sat down for their timeline they made me homemade pizza complete with a glass of wine. My relationship with these two could not bring me more joy, and with that being said, I couldn’t have been happier to have documented so much love between them on their wedding day.
Keith getting spiffy!! Keith it’s hard for me to believe you had long black hair
This is always one of my favorite moments, when Dad sees his daughter for the first time in her dress. It’s always SO special. And then when Ashley put on her Mom’s pinky ring, and read Keith’s letter to her… this was my crying part 2. Unbelievable love all around.
The detail on Ashley’s dress was GORGEOUS! And Ashley, you couldn’t have been more beautiful.
Sometimes I literally can’t get over how perfect Ashley and Keith are together. NO ONE laughs more then they do, smiles more, loves deeper. I dream and pray that everyone finds a love like theirs. An eternal love. Forever love. True Love.
PARTY TIME! This reception was extra special for me because I got to celebrate my dear friends getting married with friends that have been by my side my whole life. It was such a special day.
And I think the dances was when I cried the third or fourth time. Fourth I think. I’m such a sap.
One of the most genuine and personal weddings I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of. I’m so glad I can call you both friends, your love is inspiring! Wishing you so much laughter and happiness, always, <3
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