Oh man I know I use this word a lot but I just can’t get over how stunning Ashley is, straight out of a 1920’s, 40’s? movie set if you ask me. Seriously, LOOK at that parasol. And the flowers, we can’t forget about the flowers cause they were GORGEOUSSSS. I think I was literally just in shock half this workshop of all the beautiful things that were unfolding around me. I hope I did them justice… Take a look.
She is just MAGICAL in black and white. I can’t get over it!
Like something straight out of a dream. This barn is part of the Oakley Farm property in Freehold NJ that dates back all the way to 1686! Wow! The property and all the lasting foundations were incredibly charming and the light everywhere was just ethereal. It was a joy and a blessing shooting here!
One of my absolute FAVORITE shots from the day. I’ve been working hard to not only capture moments but create unique moments as well. This was one of my most successful of the day, shooting through a bouquet of flowers to capture the dreamy mirage of color surrounding Ashley.
I seriously could take pictures of this girl all day. You were absolutely amazing Ashley and I wish you nothing but the best in life! Thank you for your time and your beauty, inside and out!
Once again thank you so much to the amazing vendors making this styled shoot possible and Vanessa and Kay for teaching such an awesome workshop!
Floral design: www.reveriemade.com
Cake: http://hudsoncakery.com/
Books: http://greenlacelion.com/
Venue: The Oakley House
Makeup: http://www.jmmakeupdesigns.com/index2.php
Hair: Taylor Dooley from http://theanchorsalon.com/
Gowns: Claire Pettibone, Ines di Santo , and Yumi Katsura
workshop by www.vanessajoy.com and www.kayenglishphotography.com
See more from this workshop coming to the blog soon! To keep up with more Laura Lee updates follow me on Instagram @ imlauralee and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LauraNeffPhotography
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